About Integrity Formation

Integrity Formation at Seattle University challenges and supports students to reflect on their actions and decisions in an educational and developmental experience that promotes integrity in our diverse and inclusive community. We reference the Redhawk Commitment and Code of Student Conduct when working with our students and members of the community.

Spring on the campus

Jesuit tradition

Our Jesuit tradition of intellectual, moral, spiritual, and social development is the foundation of the mission of Integrity Formation. We aim to provide all students with the tools needed for success in a pluralistic society by providing feedback about behaviors that both enhance and harm the academic community, as well as assistance and opportunities in modifying unacceptable behaviors. As a Jesuit and Catholic institution, we hold our students to the highest standard of ethical behavior both on- and off-campus.

The Redhawk Commitment

We strive to live with integrity in our pursuit of personal, social, and academic excellence. We are strengthened by our Redhawk Commitment - a commitment to ourselves, each other, and a just and human world.

As a Redhawk, I commit...

  • To care for the well-being of myself and others,
  • To honor differences in people and beliefs,
  • To respect the rights and property of our community,
  • To accept responsibility as a campus, local and global citizen,
  • To lead by example.

"Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them"

Brene Brown

Report Student Conduct Concerns

Please use this form to report concerns involving Seattle University students.

This form may be used to refer students to the Office of the Dean of Students for CARE Team referrals, non-academic behavioral concerns, or alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct.

Our staff uses the following principles when working with students in our integrity formation meetings

Students can engage with the integrity formation process to share their experiences, make connections with University community members, learn about expectations, and connect with supports and resources. Through these actions, students can move through the process with honesty, integrity, and respect. Learning outcomes for this goal include:

  • Students will be able to explain what it means for them to act in a way that is aligned with the Jesuit values of Seattle University.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the process.
  • Students will articulate the ways that they plan to be involved in the University community moving forward.

Students can reflect on their experiences and choices to better discern their role in the community and their impacts on others and themselves. By considering their actions from a variety of perspectives, students can understand their place in the community and consider changes to their future decision-making. Learning outcomes for this goal include:

  • Students will be able to articulate how their behavior impacted others.
  • Students will be able to articulate their decision-making process.
  • Students will be able to articulate connections between their values and decision making, and our Jesuit values.

Students can reflect on their experiences and choices to better discern their role in the community and their impacts on others and themselves. By considering their actions from a variety of perspectives, students can understand their place in the community and consider changes to their future decision-making. Learning outcomes for this goal include:

  • Students will be able to articulate how their behavior impacted others.
  • Students will be able to articulate their decision-making process.
  • Students will be able to articulate connections between their values and decision making, and our Jesuit values.

Contact Us

For payments and/or information about records, please visit Student Center 140.

Student Conduct and Integrity Formation

Student Center 320