Interfaith Programming

Explore your beliefs by attending interfaith programming across a variety of spiritual and philosophical traditions represented in Seattle University’s student body. Find your own meaningful faith-based community on or off campus.

Group of students on campus

Campus Ministry for People of all Faiths

Campus Ministry provides programs and events for interfaith exploration and helps you connect to your own spiritual or religious tradition. 

Interfaith Programming Rooted in Jesuit, Catholic Tradition 

Our commitment to interfaith work comes from our Jesuit, Catholic foundation. Popes have asked all Catholics to acknowledge and preserve the moral and spiritual good found in other religions. The Jesuits also recognize that joining together with other faiths is one potent way to work towards a shared world of social justice, peace and liberty. It’s one method of creating bonds of friendship and understanding across the diverse faith and philosophical traditions represented among Seattle University’s student body. 

Inspiring Insights

Eboo Patel

“The 'inter' in interfaith stands for interaction between people who orient around religion differently. The 'faith' in interfaith stands for how people relate to their religious and ethical traditions. Put together, 'interfaith' is about how our interactions with those who are different have an impact on the way we related to our religious and ethical traditions, and how our relationships with our traditions have an impact on our interactions with those who are different from us.”

A group of people standing on a staircase.

Campus Ministry: Inclusive & Supportive

Campus ministry is here to support and encourage you during your academic years. You’ll find spiritual support, inclusive community and meaningful programming to help you deepen your faith and sense of purpose in life.

class at the chapel

Connect to a Campus Minister

Campus ministers can provide care and conversation as you navigate your experiences at seattle university.

Explore Various Faiths

Explore faith traditions around campus and see a map of local houses of worship in the area.

Pink flowers on a blue surface.

Interfaith Immersions

Join an immersion trip to experience different faith traditions with others in the Seattle University community.

Contact us

Campus Ministry